Entries in the ‘Design: Marketing’ Category:
filed in Design: Marketing on Oct.19, 2007
I’ve heard the term “guerrilla marketing” before, but this takes it to an extreme! I grabbed a banana from the house this morning. When I got to work and went to eat it, the sticker caught my eye. (Sorry for the bad camera phone photo). The sticker design depicts the orangutan, King Louie, from Walt […]
filed in Design: Marketing, Outdoors: Paddling on Oct.05, 2007
I read Seth Godin’s blog a lot – or rather, I read his RSS feed a lot. He’s never short of great marketing ideas and thoughts of how this system we live in can be improved. Today, Seth blogged about the right way to list items on ebay, and used his latest auction listing as […]
filed in Design: Marketing on Sep.12, 2007
One of our soccer teammates has been hospitalized with a fractured tibia and torn meniscus. As bad as that sounds, it gets worse… As I was iChatting with her last night, I mentioned how glad I was that she was, at the very least, able to get a wi-fi connection since she was going to […]
filed in Blogging/Web, Design: Marketing on Aug.30, 2007
While watching Top Chef last night with my wife, I saw an ad for ask.com that stuck with me… Even as I woke up this morning, I was thinking about the ad. The ad was very aggressive and went after the big dog on the block: Google – not specifically by name, of course. The […]
filed in Design: Marketing, Family & Life on Jul.11, 2007
A few weeks ago, we took the girls to the Please Touch Museum in Philadelphia [map]. What an amazing place. The museum was designed for children to explore, play, interact and TOUCH everything – all while learning about the world they live in. Our oldest (almost 3) absolutely loved it. She shopped in the grocery […]
filed in Design: Advertising, Design: Marketing on Apr.18, 2007
In a direct contrast to yesterday’s post about how major media outlets are damaging their reputation by “sponsoring” keywords on Google and negatively associating themselves with the Virginia Tech shootings, a new story appeared this morning on Advertising Age that shows how it should be done. Sports apparel giant, Nike, has decided to associate itself […]
filed in Design: Advertising, Design: Marketing on Apr.17, 2007
It seems that capitalizing on something as tragic and sacred as yesterday’s “massacre” at Virginia Tech is not out of bounds. Ken Wheaton, a writer for Advertising Age, has just reported that mainstream media such as The New York Times and Inside Edition have purchased the keywords “Virginia Shooting” on Google’s search engine. The idea […]
filed in Design: Marketing on Apr.13, 2007
Bumper stickers. You either love ’em or you hate ’em. I suppose that some people are ‘bumper sticker people,’ and some people aren’t, I don’t intend to make any judgments either way. I’m more curious as to what drives (no pun intended) people to choose a bumper sticker as a vehicle (pun intended) of self-expression. […]
filed in Blogging/Web, Design: Marketing, Faith on Apr.02, 2007
I decided to respond to Rudolf’s comment (below) with a post, since I want to make sure I’m not being misunderstood. I don’t know if i read it correctly but did you say that you don’t think there is a church for everyone?!!!!!!!! WHATâ€S UP WITH THAT! sorry i just don’t understand where you are […]
filed in Design: Advertising, Design: Branding/Identity, Design: Graphic Design, Design: Marketing, Faith on Mar.26, 2007
First, thanks so much for the comments on my previous post. It’s great to read your thoughts. I think in the name of fairness, I should point out that – for the most part – I don’t personally believe (nor wish to believe) that churches go around maliciously stealing sermons, designs, ideas as a regular […]