kateI came up with “Super Spouse” because I’m hoping that it’s a catchy enough title that other people will want to use it on their blogs as well, to tout their own spouse’s super qualities. (Shouldn’t the plural of “spouse” be “spice”?)

I want to tell you about the woman I married. Because it’s not enough to think the world of your spouse. They should have the opportunity to hear you tell them as often as you can. It’s been a tough lesson for me to learn. Romanticism is easy when you’re dating – young and stupid – but 5 years into marriage with a kid and job and bills and mortgages and car payments, being romantic sometimes takes a back seat.

Let’s start with the obvious. I love my wife. I love her more everyday.

The woman I married possesses an inner-strength, courage and love far beyond my imagination. Strength and courage in her personal life and her professional life. I can already see that same strength in our 6-month old daughter and I know it comes from Kate. I love to watch her with Erin. The joy in her laughter. The love in her voice. She was truly meant to be a mother and I think she knows it. I can hardly wait to see the type of young woman Erin turns into – partly because of the influence Kate will have had. I can’t think of a luckier little girl in the world, save having a Mom like Kate.

She is a daily inspiration to me. From her near-hourly e-mails to me at work…

Hi Babe,
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That was Erin. She says Hi. 🙂

…to her hug and smile when I come home from a long day at work.

She just brought me a handful of grapes because she thought I was hungry. I was.