erin in the toy bin

“adada. ahhhhh. da…. DA! adada. ahhhhbuhbuhBOW. adada.”

These are the sounds that drift through our family room early Saturday morning, where Erin is playing in her exersaucer, slobbering over each and every bit of plasticy goodness. As I spin around in my chair to check her she’ll stop her chattering and slobbering and return my glance – giving me a sweet, drool-covered grin as if to say “Hi Daddy, whatcha doin?” Though I’m absolutely thrilled that she began saying “Da Da” on my birthday two weeks ago, I’m not yet convinced that she absolutely relates “Da Da” to me. That day will come…

People ask if she is crawling yet as if it’s the newest trick to teach our new puppy.

“Can she roll over?”
“Can she sit up?”
“Crawl yet?”
“Shake Paws?”
“Pee outside?”

No, she is not crawling yet… but she really wants to. The day is quickly approaching where she will very happily – and quickly – help us find all the dangerous choking hazards and electrocution accidents just waiting for a crawling infant to stumble upon. Baby-proofing our house will be more work than any of us (including Bessie) bargained for, I’m sure.

No chompers yet either. She’s been showing the signs of teething for so long now and especially in the last few weeks that the pearly whites are bound to make their appearance any day. Hopefully sooner than later as sore gums and constant drool are just too much of an annoyance for any little baby.

New parents: When did your kids start to get teeth? start to crawl? start to pee outside?