Okay, so it’s not a photo – it’s a scan. But still, a compelling image I think. I was so frustrated, because the one day – T H E – O N E – D A Y that I don’t bring my camera with me, my good friend Brandon says he has an extra ticket to the 4th Annual Tribeca Film Festival. So, not only am I in a part of NYC that I don’t normally get to visit, and I’m going to a world-class event that I’ve never been to, and it’s FREE, but my eye keeps seeing all this great camera fodder and it just keeps reinforcing the fact that I DON’T HAVE MY CAMERA. Dummy.

On the way to see our film we walked past ground zero. Believe it or not, this was my first time visiting it. I never wanted to go in the months after 9/11 – I just felt it wasn’t respectful at the time. It is still so moving and disturbing to think of how many innocent people died that day. And for us locals, the hole isn’t only in the ground, it’s in the sky too.

We saw a film called The Outsider (2005) which was a documentary by Nicholas Jarecki on the independent film writer/director James Tobak. I might write a review of the film at a later date, but for now if you’d like to know more about it click here. In short – it was a good documentary on a terribly interesting guy.