This is our cute bunny Millie. Millie peed on me tonight.

I had her sitting in my lap while Kate trimmed her toe nails. Normally this is a pee-free experience, but not tonight. No, tonight she peed in my lap.

We adopted Millie six years ago, after only 6 months of marriage. She has lived in our first two homes – the first in Woodside, Queens, NYC and the current condo – and will be moving with us to our new home in the next few months. She has never peed on me before.

She’s pretty darn old for a rabbit. Maybe she’s becoming incontinent – as happens to older animals (and people). The only problem I have with that theory is: this isn’t the first time I’ve been peed on. My infant daughter peed on my twice. Both times I was within inches of putting her in the bathtub. That was accidental. The peeing that took place tonight felt different. Sure, it was still warm and wet and soaked right through my denim shorts… but it also felt intentional. I think she purposely peed.

With the stress of moving soon, I don’t want to confront her on this peeing issue. It’ll blow up into this big thing and we won’t speak to each other for days. It would just be more trouble than it’s worth. But mark my words… this peeing incident won’t go forgotten. Oh no. It won’t.