What a crazy thing blogging is. My wife’s blog post today is covering the same subject that I was going to blog about. And so I felt necessary to let her know – in good fun – that she stole my blog for the day. She sweetly replied with “you can blog about it too.” Thanks hun.

Blogging, for many of us non-professional bloggers, is about recording events in our day-to-day, giving opinions and putting a spin on things in our own unique way. Just because someone else blogged about a subject does not make it off-limits to someone else.

That actually gives me an idea… What if a group of friends who all have blogs (you know who you are) all picked a common subject/event/whatever and all blogged about it on the same day? We could pick a Publish Time so that no one sees the other’s posts before publishing theirs. Could be a fun way to see how different people react to the same thing. We can call it a “Blog-O-Thon.” Who’s up for it? Leave a comment if you’re in and I’ll set up the details in a later blog.