Who knew I’d make it a year in blog land? Tomorrow is blaqenedwyte blog’s 1st Anniversary. Instead of putting too much pressure on myself to type what would surely be the most wonderful piece of literature you’ve ever laid eyes on – I think I’ll just do a “Best of Year 1” blog. Hey, it worked for Family Ties.

I have saved you the trouble of weeding through all my bad, lame or just not-as-entertaining-as-a-monkey posts and bring to you now the Best of Year 1. Enjoy!

April 28, 2004
Bob Vila, Tim Allen and Me
Enjoying the process of outfitting your first nursery is just red, white and blue. You give 200% to making this single project PERFECT, so that your little son or daughter will pop out of the womb, hop in their new crib, look around and then look you (the Father) square in the eye and say, “Nice digs Dad! Thanks!.

May 3, 2004
This trip was the third of my four ascents of Giant. I have the ultimate love/hate relationship with this particular mound of rock, trees and dirt.

June 28, 2004
Breast is Best
She wanted so badly for someone to raise their hand and say something to the effect of, “My girlfriend, Norma Jean, said that breastfeeding is the pits and that formula is the way to go. Her son, Billy Bob, is gonna be a rocket scientist because of all the formula he drinks.” That would have SO made her day. But instead she got lots of similar comments like, “I was breastfed and my friends all breastfed their kids. I’m really looking forward to it.” How disappointed she was.

August 15, 2004
6 Days Old
Right now, only the rabbit and myself are awake. My wife, my child and my dog are all conked out in various places and positions. The rabbit listening to the clicking of the computer keyboard with serene indifference. Baby Erin needs to eat in about a half hour from now, at which time I will wake up Kate and Erin. Inevitably the dog will get up with a groan and stretch her arthritic legs until they click. She just can’t miss any of the new baby action.

September 3, 2004
A Night Out with Babe Ruth
We were in the 7th row from the field. The grass. The dirt. The players. The dugout. First base. We were in the section that offers cute young girls that come around and take your food and drink order. The section that lets you yell things to the first baseman so that he can actually hear you. The section that more people are in suits and ties than 5-year old David Cone Yankee t-shirts (like I was).

September 13, 2004
Confessions of a Sleep-Walker
The new “outfit” that I had in my hands – with every intention of dressing up my newborn in – was none other than a pair of my underwear. Yup. The evidence was clear when Kate pointed out the crumpled undies on the futon in the morning.

October 22, 2004
2004 Pumpkin

November 13, 2004
Cool Jeans!
As I was getting ready to go pick up some new jeans, she morphs into Carson from QEFTSG and she says, “Don’t get any dorky jeans.”

November 28, 2004
Upper Saranac Lk. to Lk. Flower
We thanked him for his help and then I said that I was going to see where our friends were. Well, he almost fainted. He didn’t even know there were two canoes out on the lake.

December 12, 2004
Santa Came Early
As the two men walked towards us, Kate chirped a quick “Hey Santa!”
“Merry Christmas.” The jolly old man said in return.

February 9, 2005
Daddy’s Not A Cow!
I didn’t know what else to do but to assure her that Daddy’s not a cow. “Daddy’s not a cow, Erin. Daddy’s not a cow. You’re a real little girl, I promise! Daddy’s not a cow.” Perhaps laughing at her while I was saying that wasn’t the quickest way to soothe her…

February 14, 2005
A Yankee Fan’s Tour of Fenway Park
As the tour began, the guide (who’s thick Boston accent put’s even the best impersonations to shame) asked the group if there were any Yankee fans. I hesitated for a moment but then shot up my arm. I wasn’t going to wuss out on my boys in pinstripes. Of course I was the only one and after the boos quieted down, the guide said, “Yep, there’s always one.”

March 27, 2005
Easter 2005
Just about the cutest photograph… EVER!!!

April 10, 2005
Life After SuperCuts? Maybe.
Do I dress up? Are shorts appropriate? It is a fancy spa, not just a salon. Should I shower first? If so, do I shampoo or let them do that? Won’t they shampoo me anyway? Maybe if I shampoo before going, and tell them that I already took care of it than they won’t charge me as much. Maybe they’ll laugh at me for using dandruff shampoo and not the smelly, fruity stuff… These are the thoughts that raced through my brain Saturday morning. I decided to shower – and shampoo – but not tell them… Just in case.