Theology On Tap
filed in Faith, Nonsensical Ramblings on Oct.27, 2005
So my new e-friend Greg sent me a link to this article today, “A Pint With Your Priest,” from the News website. The article tells how a local Catholic parish has booked some talks at local bars and pubs in the Manchester, New Hampshire area in order to reach out into their unchurched community. What a great idea we both thought!
The idea actually began 25 years ago by the Archdiocese of Chicago’s Young Adult Ministry and they called it “Theology-on-Tap,” which, according to their website is Still Flowing Strong!. My guess, however, is that this sort of outreach ministry has been happening since the 1st Century church – if not earlier.
Anyhow, the article cited a few of the titles of the talks they were going to give. Needless to say, they were all pretty lame and, in my opinion, would be pretty unattractive to the local unchurched bar crowd. The prime example was “It Ain’t Easy Being Catholic Today.” If I had a lame-O-meter, the needle would be in the red right now. I mean, even the article title was better than the actual titles of their series.
So, we decided to come up with some alternate titles/themes that could be more fun – and potentially draw a bigger crowd. Check ’em out and add some of your own in the comments section:
- Sloshed With The Spirit
- Walk Crooked For Christ
- Spirits With The Spirit
- Beer Nuts With Barabas
- Jello-Shots With Jesus
- Johnny, Jack and Jesus
- Drunk In The Spirit
- Hangover Hell
- Bibles & Barstools
- I Am the Way, the Truth, and the Light Beer!
- Get Dizzy with Deuteronomy
- Get Giddy with Galatians
- Becoming a Top Shelf Christian
- Jesus Is Picking Up the Tab… Eternally
- Give God your Keys
- Alcoholics For Abba!
- BYOC (Bring Your Own Cross)
- Smirnoff Savior
- Praise the Lord, and Pass… the Tequila!
- Salt of the Earth on my Margharita
- Is Your Life On The Rocks… or Straight Up?
- The Pool at Bethsaida: Shaken or Stirred?
Other thoughts we had:
- Dollar shots on Johnny, Jack and Jesus nights
- An Image of Jesus cleaning out a mug with his apron
- Tuesdays are Ladies’ Nights – as long as they don’t cause a scene
- The folks over at Pepperdine University could get a lot of mileage out of “Malibu & Coke Nights”
On a related note, can one be excommunicated from the CoC for heretical photoshopping?
Oh, and I don’t want you to leave here thinking that beer isn’t in the Bible… cause it so very IS!
October 27th, 2005 on 8:14 am
And you know the best thing about this new ministry? It creates the perfect opportunity for a follow-up:
Rehabbing With Rahab!
De-toxing With Daniel
Sobering-Up with Saul
I think seminaries should start offering courses in photoshopping, since this whole PoMo thing is all about the visual, right?
October 27th, 2005 on 8:18 am
I think the potential for inter-faith & inter-generational relations is HUGE with this. I can picture a whole cartoon/comic series for kids featuring Bartender Jesus and Rehab Rabbi fighting to the death! Parole Office Peter can even make a cameo…
October 27th, 2005 on 8:21 am
Sadly, the very inclusion of alcohol will preclude any inter-faith dialogue with Muslim, but I bet they would be happy to have Infidel Interventions with the Imams!
October 27th, 2005 on 8:49 am
How about around Christmas time we create a nativity scene out of liquor bottles! The baby Jesus could a bottle of Crown Royal, Mary is a bottle of Absolute Vodka, the Three Kings would be Jim Beam, Jack Daniels and Jose Cuervo… I think that’s going to be my Christmas card this year!
October 27th, 2005 on 9:30 am
How about: Sin and Tonic drink specials?!
October 27th, 2005 on 9:38 am
wow.. Sin and Tonic… I wish I had thought of that one!
October 27th, 2005 on 1:15 pm
Theology on Tap
More than a few times we’ve heard about outreach efforts involving strong drink, and they make me both wince and smile. I wince because I grew up in a church that considered proximity to alcohol a sin, and despite the fact that I don’t agree I still …
October 27th, 2005 on 1:23 pm
Well, growing up Catholic I have to say that the priests my family discussed faith most with were those that came over to our house to have a beer and play poker (I can name 3 off the top of my head – but I’m sure there were more before I was born)…but I’m pretty sure they came over more to receive mentoring from my grandparents rather than the spreading of the gospel.
October 27th, 2005 on 3:35 pm
Ok – that is HILARIOUS. Great post Kenny.
October 28th, 2005 on 9:01 am
If you wanted to have to have a little “out-reach bistro” on the side of the church building you could call it:
“Holy Waters Bar and Grille”
October 28th, 2005 on 10:01 am
You could do a weekly Absolut segment; a few examples:
Absolut Virgin (all about Mary)
Absolut Absolving of Sin
Absolut Christians
…you get the idea
October 31st, 2005 on 12:22 pm
I referenced you 🙂